

peace. this one goes out to Karen O. part inspiration to bird costume 2009.
too bad Mom only had hers for 3 months. :(
These are from a blog, 'I'm a Polaroid - Where are you?' Someday I hope to get my hands on a vintage Polaroid or maybe Mom still has her old one some where in storage. I am not sure if its the unique color that is exposed in them or the fact that the photos are developed instantly, but I dig the outcome of almost every Polariod shot I've seen. Anywho...I am doing good up here on the east coast and am looking forward to the weekend. I'll partake in a night out with the roommate, Danielle, maybe a few homecoming events, and a Sunday in Boston with Savannah. I am looking forward to the second hand shops in Boston and a good lunch out. Hopefully we will find some things to begin our bird costomes for 10/31! That's all for now. Have a good one. Love, JO


Knitting mends the soul.

Sundays are best day of the week. It is the one day you are supposed to relax and do exactly what you want to do. I picked up a new hobby of knitting this weekend and oh, did it keep me occupied. The rainy weekend in Concord was spent with my ball of yarn and the entertainment of the Moores. My current knitting goal is simply for a long winter scarf, but it'll be a miracle if that gets done. I am posting a photo of my progress and you can see that it is a process. My other photo is of a top Mom got me from The Odd Showroom in Portsmouth. This is a handmade piece by the owner, who titles her clothing, Amity Joy. I will wear this top this week in faith that I can someday make this for myself. Also, new music is on the way to me; it is beyond needed. Hope everyone back home enjoyed Farm Aid. Enjoy your week. peace&hemp, JO