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Good morning, all. It's early as I head out, and it does not look like a nice day. My day will be spent in the library finishing my Kitchen and Bath project, so weather won't really get in my way. I had a wonderful long weekend. Between working on my bird costume for Halloween and going to Boston for the day, I am still extremely exhausted. I did some new things and saw some new sights, therefore I am satisfied. It's hard to believe Halloween is approaching so soon. Pumpkin Fest in Keene this weekend with Ave. Hope everyone has festivities up their shelves. (The photos posted are shots from Boston. Savannah and I met up with her friend from school and had a nice Thai lunch. The second is a violinist in the Boston Park. It was beautiful.) Love, JO

1 comment:

  1. O my Jo it makes my heart sing when I see a new post!!!! Glad you enjoyed the day and am looking forward to our day together in Boston. Love MOM


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